Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Offenses
OGMA presents its Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Offenses under the terms of the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (RGPC), identifying the activity areas more significantly exposed to risk of corruption and related offenses.
The National Anticorruption Strategy 2020-2024 (ENCC) and the priorities associated with the national vision for corruption prevention are expressed in Decree-Law no. 109-E/2021, published on December 9, which establishes the National Anticorruption Mechanism (MENAC) and the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (RGPC).
In order to prevent, detect and sanction acts of corruption and related offences, the RGPC provides that companies, whether public or private, with head offices located in Portugal, having 50 or more employees, as well as branches in national territory of companies with head offices located abroad, having 50 or more employees, adopt and implement a regulatory compliance program that includes, at least, a plan for the prevention of risks of corruption and related offenses (PPR), a code of conduct, a training program and a whistleblowing channel.
Based on its commitment to developing business and partnerships with corporate integrity, ethics and transparency, OGMA has established an Ethics & Compliance Program intended to promote and support all the activities required to comply with national and international laws.
This Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Offenses responds to the requirements set out in RGPC, as a result of an assessment of OGMA's business activities, identifying and classifying the risk factors that may expose OGMA to acts of corruption and related offenses, as well as the existing controls to mitigate such risks, defining a set of opportunities for improvement with the aim of strengthening the Ethics & Compliance Program in place.
We encourage everyone - employees, suppliers, partners, customers and potential customers, regulators and all stakeholders - to read our PPR. This document is a fundamental management tool that enables us to strengthen and consolidate our Ethics & Compliance Program.
Please, read our full Plan for the Prevention of Risks and Related Offences